This book covers almost every imaginable aspect of information relevant to the past, present and future of Black people or people of African Descent. It is a must read for all of those seeking the hidden truth about Black people and their great achievements and accomplishments as well as their tremendous challenges. Black people were the first people on the planet and Africa is the birthplace of civilization. African people also gave science, mathematics, art, philosophy, civilization and culture to the rest of the world as has been verified by the research of great Classical African Historians and scholars featured in this book such as Professors Ben Jochanan, Leonard Jeffries, Ivan Van Sertima, John Henrick Clarke, J.A. Rodgers, Marimba Ani, Cheik Anta Diop, Chancellor Williams, Runoko Rashidi, Tony Martin, Jacob Carruthers and Booker T. Coleman. A separate chapter;
The African Holocaust looks at the genocide incurred during the middle passage, slavery, abolition, emancipation, colonialism and reparations.
This publication analyses the six main strands of Black Liberation Ideology; i-Pan Africanism propagated by George Padmore, Henry Sylvester Williams and CLR James, ii- Black Nationalism by Marcus Garvey, iii- the Teachings of the Nation of Islam by the Honourable Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan, iv- Civil Rights and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Medgar Evers and the NAACP, v- the Black Revolutionary Consciousness of the Black Panthers, Angela Davis, H. Rap Brown and Kwame Ture and vi- Rastafarianism and the philosophy of Hailie Selassie. The philosophy and history of great African political pioneers is studied such as Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Nelson Mandela of Azania, Hailie Selassie of Ethiopia, Patrice Lumumba of the Congo, Idi Amin Dada of Uganda, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Background is also given on the Pan-Afrikan Movement, African Liberation Day, the African Union and the Black United Front. The chapter on racism explains its seven different forms:- i-bigotry, ii-intolerance, iii-xenophobia, iv-ethnocentricism, v-prejudice, v-stratification & segregation and vii- institutionalized racism and details consistent cases of racism against African people in North, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Oceania. It also addresses racism in law, education, politics, entertainment and even sports. The history and current affairs of the Caribbean is another major component of this research as it covers the indigenous peoples, Christopher Columbus, the maroon and peasant communities and the various uprisings and revolutions in the region as well as the IMF, World Bank, U.S. Imperialism, Federation of the West Indies, CARICOM and CSME. Black people and religion is a major part of this book, African people in the Bible, Black Liberation Theology, the Black Jews, Islam in Africa, proof that Jesus was a Black man, Scientology, Kwanzaa, the New World Order, Secret Societies, Free Masons, UFOs, the Anti-Christ, 666 and Alternative Belief Systems are just some of the topics that are reviewed.